
Instituto Conexiones Launches a New Level of Cultural Brokerage for Latin American Organizations Needing a Presence in the U.S.

U.S Identity & Virtual Office Plans

Helping Latin American organizations attract and retain U.S. clients, partners or donors.

At Instituto Conexiones we believe that equitable globalization begins with making sure all global players have an equal chance for success. In today’s world, that often times means having a presence in the U.S. and a partner that understand the U.S. culture and the English language. Without this, Spanish speaking businesses and organizations are oftentimes at a disadvantage even though their product or project is of superior quality. This why we offer Cultural Brokerage Services, which includes high-caliber U.S. Identity & Virtual Office Plans. Our goal with this service is to help our Latin American colleagues bridge the cultural gap so they can compete in the global marketplace and access the large wealth of resources concentrated in the U.S.

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