
From The Earth Day Network - 02.28.2008

If You Want to Do One Thing on Earth Day: CALL FOR CLIMATE!

Global warming is our most urgent environmental problem: The time for waiting and inadequate solutions is over. On Earth Day, April 22nd, join Earth Day Network in our global Call for Climate by contacting your national leaders and demanding bold, swift and fair action to tackle climate change. And from now until Earth Day, take action and sign Earth Day Network's Sky Petition.

To buy a poster, click here

If you are in the United States, help us generate one million phone calls to Congress on April 22nd. Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your representatives. Tell them the current global warming proposals in Congress are inadequate. Tell them you want:

- A moratorium on new coal-burning plants,

- Renewable energy,

- Carbon-neutral buildings,

- Protection for the poor and middle class in the new green economy.

Tell five friends about this campaign - have them enter the Capitol number into their phones now. And make sure they call on Earth Day, April 22nd!

This Earth Day, it's time to change the forecast for global warming.


With Earth Day less than 2 months away, we want to break all the records! We are aiming to register 20,000 events this year, and we can't do it without you! If you have some spare time and a computer with internet connection, and would to help us, register at our Volunteer Center or contact Michele Ditto at ditto@earthday.net. Together we can make this the biggest Earth Day yet!


Don't miss our interview with Nobel Peace Prize laureate Professor Mohan Munasinghe, Vice Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and Bracken Hendricks, author of the hit book Apollo's Fire. Discover how students at Thomas Jefferson High School plan their next Environmental Impact Club activities and be inspired by the passion of the thousands of people who came to DC to lobby Congress during Power Shift 2007.

On April 16th, tune in to the broadcast of Chill Out: Campus Solutions to Global Warming, sponsored by Earth Day Network organized by the National Wildlife Federation and ClimateCounts.org student-made videos, inspiring presentations from contest winners, solution-focused discussions, and live Q&As with people who really are changing the world.