
Institute for Cultural Awareness (ICA) Hosts Return of the Ancestors Gathering in Northern Arizona

By Kimberly Newton, President of Instituto Conexiones

The folks of Institute for Cultural Awareness have been working for years to bring awareness about the teachings and knowledge of the elder wisdom keepers from around the planet, among other things.

We encourage all who read this post to learn more about their upcoming Return of the Ancestors Event in Northern Arizona (April 18-28th) and to consider attending or/and supporting this historic event. Elders and wisdom keepers from around the world will be coming together to share their stories and pray for the sustainable future of our shared planet and peaceful co-existence among its people. This multi-cultural gathering is part of the fulfillment of the ancient prophesy regarding the time when the Eagle and the Condor would unite. The Eagle is the symbol for the North and the Condor is the symbol for the South.

Watch the video here

Click here for a downloadable brochure

Instituto Conexiones is involved with and supports this project as we share in the mission to bring together the Eagle and the Condor in an equitable and peaceful way - We owe Institute for Cultural Awareness a great deal for their support of our work through the years and in return, we support their work whenever possible - hosting elders when they come to the Bay Area, providing free translations of materials, and volunteering as interpreters. They are on our list of philanthropic organizations to give donations to as part of our annual give-away.

We wish them the best of luck with their upcoming event!