
Great Source of Information about Western Hemisphere Countries, Africa and Europe

Vanderbilt University has a wonderful resource posted online with questionnaires, tecnical information and publications about public opinion, society, international cooperation, and sustainable development of verious countries - especially Latin America.

To access the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP), click here

New on LAPOP news feed:

- The Inter-American Dialogue, May 8th: Mitchell Seligson and Liz Zechmeister will present the results of the survey on democratic values and behaviors of over 40,000 respondents in the Americas in the event: Will a Bad Economy Hurt Democracy? Evidence from the AmericasBarometer Survey.

- The Americas Barometer Insights Series: I0814. Satisfacción ciudadana con servicios municipales. Por Daniel Montalvo

- Two LAPOP partner organizations named among the most influential "think tanks" in Latin America. Read The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program 2008

- "State of the Region" report released on Central America; uses AmericasBarometer data.

- "Deepening Our Understanding of the Effects of US Foreign Assistance on Democracy Building Final Report Foreign Assistance on Democracy Building Final Report "